Festival of the Two Worlds



Spoleto, Italy


The Festival dei Due Mondi, or Festival of Two Worlds, is an ongoing annual international arts and cultural event held in Spoleto, Italy. Established in 1958 by composer Gian Carlo Menotti, the festival is renowned for its eclectic mix of music, opera, theater, dance, and visual arts, attracting artists and performers from around the globe.

The festival was primarily conceived as a platform for fostering collaboration and exchange between European and American artists, hence the name “Two Worlds.” Menotti's vision was to create an environment where emerging and established talents from various artistic disciplines could come together, showcase their work, and inspire one another. The festival takes place over a two-week period, usually in late June and early July, at various venues across the historic city of Spoleto.

Over the years, the Festival dei Due Mondi has gained a reputation for its commitment to artistic excellence and innovation. One significant aspect of the festival's impact was the opportunity for American artists to engage with their European counterparts and explore their shared cultural heritage. At the same time, the festival also enabled Italian artists to gain greater visibility in the United States, as their work was often taken back to America by visiting artists and festival attendees. Some notable figures associated with the festival include Tennessee Williams, Luchino Visconti, Allen Ginsberg, Ezra Pound, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gregory Corso, and Vittorio Gassman. 

In 1977, Menotti established a sister festival, Spoleto Festival USA, in Charleston, South Carolina, with the aim of further strengthening the cultural ties between Europe and the United States. The two festivals operated in tandem for many years, but in 1993, following disagreements between Menotti and the American festival organizers, the relationship between the festivals was formally severed. Menotti continued to direct the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, Italy, until his death in 2007.

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Gregory Corso

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Lawrence Ferlinghetti

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Author Stefano Morello